Thursday, December 29, 2011

Anang & Pink End?

The news is not tasty affair Anang Hermansyah coloring and Armada. Interwoven love duet partner was said to have ended. However, Sam did not permasalahkan news.

Anang breaking news and Pink makes a scene reporting. Understandably, the news came after their indulgence in intimacy and will soon be married.

The news had started to erupt after the planned application Anang void, in September. Are they living a dream wedding?

"Make me name is also news. Our society has also been good at, and was able to judge. That our journey to this day continues to run and proceed. For me the news could not be blocked as well," said Anang accompanied by Pink, who met when they finish the video clip in the area of ​​Sukabumi, West Java.

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